The Beecher City Journal from Beecher City, Illinois (2024)

BA DCfcNM 1: h42ac wnwrtt mi ,1 w-rAr Vifi 11 1 Notice el Adjustment of Claims1 Oak fcidgQ Mr. and Mrs. Fred Mile and daughter called at Henry Schnvhs Sunday evening. Nurma Jean Huffer and Edna Wright spent Saturday night and Sunday at Mrs. Ventia Mats in's.

Mrs. Frank Huffer and children and Mrs Lillie Kuriicil spent Sunday with Mrs. Florence Giubb: Francis: Vail spent. Sunday at Frank Tipsword'a. Walter Vail spent Sunday at A.

Vails. Leonani Kruger and Frank Huffer and families spent the week end on the Okaw. Henry Greiner visited the latter part of the week in Missouri. Lute Florey and family spent Sun day with Mrs. Lillie Florey.

la thm Matter of tbe Eitite Frank Mettle, deceased. The undersigned' having been duly appointed Executrix of tbe estate of Frank Metller, late oftiolland in the a County, of Effingham and State of Illinois deceased, hereby give notice that she has fixed upon and will au pear before the Couuty (Joint Effingham County, at the Court .1 ouae in Effingham, Iliioois. at tbe Novem bar term being the fitat Mouday cf November, A. 1933 at which t.o.e all persons havin I claims a id estate are notified to attend for the purpose of having same adjusted. All persons indebted to saiJ estate arerequ sated to make immediate payment to the undersigned.

Dated this 11th day, of Sepiemhej A. 1933. Lucy Syfert, Executrix Wright Wrigh Attorneys for Estate THE following Effingham business houses congratulate, you and your community upon the completion of the resurfacing of the Old National Trail, the work upon which has kept your cities largely handicapped during the major portion of the summer. We trust that, with the resumption of traffic and the general upward trend 'of the times, you may enjoy a complete measure of the patronage you merit and deserve. Effingham, Altamont and Beecher City form an important part of Effingham County, and when one part suffers we all suffer.

AGAIN, WE EXTEND THE HEARTIEST OF HEARTY CONGRATULATIONS! Hill VAN MATRES SAMPLE STORE Capitol HE VROLET Company CONGRATULATION BARGAINS The Place Where Your Go Farther! 20 to 30 on FALL WEAR Our present stnck was bought before recent price advances. A small deposit will hold your selection. See us for good reconditioned automobiles. SOUTH SIDE OF THE COURT HOUSE SQUARE WEBERS WIRING" STORE" The Store for Dad and the Lad! We have the most modern repair shop in Central Illinois. PRAIRIE UNION John Scott.

Elmer Cox, Chas. Devore and Lee Jones were business callers in Shelby vile Friday. Edd Davis end Ted Hollingsworth and family, Alex Cutler end. family and 'Gertrude Doty of Kokomo, returned home Mon day after a few das visit with rela. fives.

Juanita Syfert and Etha and Let oua Jrffiis have been quite sick since having their tonsils removed Saturday. Mrs. Minnie Sparks and daughter Hazel called at Cutlers Saturday- Clarence Powell and tarn; George Hunderipfund enjoy da in Shelby Mr.and Mrs. Turner Sunday at Henry Hubbartts. Ouo Hubbartt and family return ed to their home in Thurs day, after spending a.

few days the H. O. Cutler home. Mrs. Laura Hubbirtt accompanied them for a' I visit.

Mrs. Minute Sparks and daughter Hazel spent Sunday with Jim Miller and family. Max Cox spent Sunday with his uncle Chas. Cox and family; Callers at II; O. Cutlers Sunday were: Mr.

and. Mrs. Chas. turner, Mr? and Mrs. John Scott and childrsn Mrs.

John Dappartt, Mrs. Rosa Grubbt Mrs. -Lucy Syfert and daughter Beulah, Roy Sparks and Geo. Hundertp-fund. Siloiog seems to be the main' program of the day.

Mrs. Ida Workman. Mrs. Zula Gruenewalt and Emily Powell of Michigan are visiting relatives, and friends in this community. Tom Syfert attended conference at BloomjngtonTast Thursday.

Mr. and Mrs. Loid Musser of Css ner called at H. O. Cutlers.

Wednea day. Several from our community are attending thereyival at Holliday. 1 H. O. Cutler is slowly imtftovicg but unable to be up yet.

er, f. -V i LADIES VOILE DRESSES 69 CENT VALUES WHILE THEY LAST AT 55c EACH or 2 for $1.00 Capitol CHEVROLET Co any CLOT HING and FURNISHTN OS THELE CLEANERS Suits Made to Measure FIGURE THE SAVINGS! Sixth Annual Little Reunion The sixth annual Little Reunion was held Sunday. Sept 10 at Hitch-ell Park. Pane, 111. Ooe hundred ana twenty six members end friend were present.

A bounteous- dinner was served at noon cafeteria sivie. They Were entertained-in the after noon by music furnished by 'the Pana Hill Billiea and Alva Miller and son Wilburn and daughter. Mu. Elmer Little. CL A Camp of Taylorville waetbe oldest member present and Clifford Jr.

the 4 weeks old son of Mr. aod Mrs. Clifford Binkley of Decatur was the youngest present. The reunion will be held the 2ua Sunday in -Sept 1934at Pana. Mrs.

I Irena Cscherat was named Secretary 1 Those present were: Albert Little I and wife, Victor Little aod Frank Buzzard and wife. Von. Little and family. ElmerUttle aod fam. ly, Wilburn Miller aod family, Alva Miller end family.

Joe McArdle ano wife, Lawrence Buzzard and family, Darrell Sloan all of Beecher City; Albert Mills' and family, Emile Cachierat and family, Lewis Little and family'. Tom Haines, Caroline Scholes, Mrs. Nellis Eilenberg nodi son. Lloyd Riley and wife. Tonj Youngerand family, att of Puna C.

I ATCamp and wife, Shermanjdc Ardle and. family, Joe. McArdle, Louise Rhoads all of Tavlorville; Isaac Dial and family of Edioburg; Miss Agnes Dycus of Altamnbt, Paul Bieber and wife and Miss Edith McArdle of Chi cago. Sam Day and family, Clifford Binkley and family and Luther Little and family, of. Decatur, Jim Little and family, Newton Sutton and fami of Findlay, Cal Little and wife -and Miss 'Velma Baughman of Ben Neumer end wife of Rockford, Pawnee Heath and family, Kessler' and wife and Don Kessler and family add Irvio i'Ping and family of fttwardron, Frank Camp and family of Paris, Harlan Taylor of Stoumgton and Eddie Owens of Taylorville.

SATISFACTION GUARANTEED "TbHaWMpany Forty Eight Years of Good Furniture Thiyis ygur last chance to purchase Quality Dresses at the above low. prices. COMPARE OUR PRICES COMPARE OUR QUALITY then figure in terms of service and SATISFACTION just what you save when you buy HERE. B. ft H.

SHOE STORE THlES paint store just Received a Large Shipment of LADIES FALL HATS 49c 59c 89c $1.00 IT PLEASES US TO PLEASE YOU WVfLEADEiTSTORE" Ladies and Childrens Ready to Wear A I LI NERY JOHNSfN GREEN HOUSE and Undertaking Wall Paper, Paints, Varnishes, Etc. v. WHERE YOU BUY MORE for LESS W. KUHNS Our When' Store Your You Visit Headquarters Effingham Electric hoe hop MORRIS 5 10c 1.00 STORE SCHOOL NOTES i ROOM TWO King George Robson and family aud Mrs. Mary Robson called at Jim Da vorss Sunday evening.

ha-cue 1 Tiny Bible- at Fair I Old ffwM Pkaim i i Students leaving the last few days for various colleges are: Alo sins Schwarz, Mu i eli -liege. Evanton H. Mano, 11. of I. Urbans.

Wanda The first Robbins reunion was I Lee Lorton, Wesly an held at the Gus Dayhuff home 4of Music. Blpmninflton. Roland Lur miles north of Brownsfowri, Sunday, I ton, Purdue University, Valpn ho. Sept ldtb. lt was the first time the I ud Robbins children had been4" together I Seveffal from -here alien ltd for more than 20 years All were I Quarterly meeting at Van Trees-, present except Luella who Sunday morning.

tCon McCosh and family left fot their home in Gowrie, Iowa after a ten day visit with relatives here, Rgy Boehm and family eojoyed Sunday relatives in Effingham. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Laugerhausen of Gilmore enjoyed Sunday dinner with Harve Dunteman and family. Lester Lutz returned home from Chicago the latter part of the week.

Earl Lutz and familv called on Mr. and Mrs. Lee Dutton Sunday afternoon. r. Almosst everyone has ell their necessary hooks and euppliaa so we have a good stait for the new term.

Anyone having an old aeed cata-J logue will find the pupils of Room 2 glad to call for it. We use these old -seed catalogues and old flower magazines in Nature Study work. We also need some old magazines, so if you have a suck jj want, call the teacher or pupila. Mrs. Elenbach of Wisconsin, Mrs I Mary Rutlinger, Miss Pauline Roedel, Louis Haumesser.

J. G. Began aim families of Effingham were Sunday lives in Roseburg, Ore and has been away for almost 23 ears. Those present were: J. E.

Robbins and daughter Edna anj granddaughter of Chaffee. Mrs. I guests of Dr. aod Mrs. Haumesser.

Lizzie Muck, TroOp, Texas, Mr. and I Miss Elsie Helmbacber accoui Mra Albert Robbins and children, I panted her sister aud husband. Mr Berniece and Bobby; Shelby ville, Mr land Mrs. Fred Seivert to their humt-and Mrs. Will-Robbins, Brownstowh.

I in Chicago" for a visit and Mrs. Gus Dayhuff, Mr. and I Mrs. J. Riley and sons le Wed Mrs.

Roy Harrison and children of I nesday for their home at New Smv ra Ramsey, Mis. Madge Smith. Bloom I Florida after visiting her mother Claude Dively. Eiwin, Mr. I Mrs.

Hitchery and Mrs." Chas. Hedge of Beecher i The Luther League held their COWDEN REVIVAL SERVICES Rev. F. Guy Brown, pastor of the First Christian' Church at Cowden, will begin a series of meeting Monday evening. Sept.

18th. Fvfe gelist Virgil Wa'lace of Jobi.steD will assist him in the meeting after Oct. 3rd. HOLLAND Mrs. Lizzie Fiechtemann and' Ja net Capebart spent Tuesday after noonNwith Mrs Bess Hubbartt.

Bryan Ramsey spent the weekend at home. Mr. and Mrs. John Kessler and Mr. aud Mrs.

Gleo Ketsler and fam, ily attended a reunion at Pana Sun day. Letha Carter spent Wednesday with John Burris. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Musser are spending a few days in this vicinity, Harry Shrock and family of St, Louis are spending a few days atlhe Oscar Hubbartt home.

The smallest blble lit the world Is on exhibition in the HaU of Religion at Century of Progress the Chicago World's Fair. The, pages are about one-third the size of an ordinary postage- stamp: Here Is the watch tower of. the Belgian Village at A Century of Progress. the Clilcngo Worlds Fair. Thou-, sands of visitors daily throng tbe buildings and cobble-stone streets of this reproduction of.

seventeenth-century community with Its' old-world charm and quaint ness. Here is a Fair visitor admiring the golden replica of King Tuts throne In the Egyptian Pavilion at A Century of Progress the Chicago Worlds Fair. City. In the evening all were surprised when two nephews drove in from Texas. Rickslias forFair COUNTY LINE Mr.

and Mrs. C. W. Turner and sons spent Sunday at the Olando Sproat home Callers in the afternoon were: Velma Bryant of Tovey. Mabel.

Gladys and Glen Bryant of Taylorville, Mrs. Byron Little and daughter Betty, Junior Hogge, Richard Bryant, Harry Sproat and family of Omega and Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Rainey of Cisco. Mr.

and. Mrs. John Van Gundy 1 spent Sunday afternoon at the Henry Jeffrie home. Mrs. Chas.

Shell of Tower Hill and Mrs, Will exroad spent Friday with the former's sister, Mrr. Henry Olioger and family: Lawrence Olinger and family spent Sunday whlrtiome folk. Misses Verna and Hazel Sproat spent Tuesday evening at tbe Iyan Black home. Those who sprnt Sunday at the W. B.

Miller home were: John Combs of Terre Haute, IndM Ray Combs and family of Linton, C. and wife, Wm. Farner and family and brother-in law of Decatur and Burwell Dayhuff, Mrs. G. R.

Cook called at the Hen ry Fulks home Sunday 'afternoon. Asa Doty abd family spent Sun day evening with Zennie Dial and family Mr. and Mrs John Huffman, Joe Huffman, wife and son Bobby, Ralph Stevenson, wife and sob James of Holliday and Marion Stevenson and wife of Pana gathered at the home of their mother, Mrg. Virda Stevenson enjoyed ice' cream and cake Sunday Mrs. Jess Baker spent Friday afternoon with her sister Mrs.

Jack White and family. Mom Zander has been quite poorly the past week. Mrs. Ella Huffer and sob Joa and wife were St. Elmo, visitors Tues.

day. Holy Grail at Fair? I business meeting at the schoolhouae 1 then went to the Otto Buechlerhotne where they enjoyed a weioer roast-C. A. Saegesser, Mr. and Wm.

Laugerhausen and Geo. Sperrv and family attended a Postal Employees meeting at Dieterich. Sunday. The Ladies Aid met with Mrs. Chas.

Knop Thursday afternoon. Rev. and Mrs. Knappe of Clinton, I Iowa, who have been visiting their daughter and family Rev. Bieber'a 1 returned to their home this week.

Mrs. Anna HirtzeU of Chicago visited friends here the last of the week. Up in Jiia Air CELEBRATED WEDDING; ANNIVERSARY A basket dinner wtis sei ved cafeteria style in Nelson Park at Decatur, Sunday in honor of the first wedding anniversary of Ml aid Harold Hoakinson. Those preaent. at.

the feaat wer Herbert Waddelow and family. Mi Virginia Bieber, George Hogge eol amily and Lem Woods aud family; The Wandu llbgge and Ber niece Waddelow remaiued for a days visit at the Hoskiusoa hum Celebrated Birthday being Miss Edith Whit-acres sixteenth birthday a few of her friends called in the evening to help celebrate the affair. Those present were: Miss Lenora Slifer, hum Margaret Syfert, Geo. Hundert-pfund, Jack Short, Lawrence Ran dall and Mr. and Mrs.

Sam Miller and family. Refreshments of ice cream and angel food cake were served. White Chapel Mr. and Mrs. Archie McCosh.

call ed on relatives aud fiieuds Monday aod Tuesday. Mrs. Mart Robson been spending a few dais with ber.s-jii George and family. Marie Brown left, for Chicago Thursday after spending a week with home folks. John Devufe spent tbe week end with his brother Stace and family near Lrtkewooo.

0 Jim iibhiuit aud 'family called Devores Htindav evening. Mrs. Mart Buzzard -peut Sunday afternoon wi'-h C. lbompson Mis Ethtl Lawitnce and family andxEarl Devore spent Sunday at the Spring home. Wilma Buzzard called in the afternoon.

Arthur Schroeder is able to be up a part of-the time. HOLLIDAY Those who enjoyed Sunday dinner at Jacob Shrakes were: Ida Shrake I of Effingham, Samuel Ramsey aud wife of Effingham and George Sb rakes I aod family. Lola Shrakes remains quite poorly -Ida Taylor was at the bedside of her daughter Lolo last Thursday. Mrs. Taylor; dnd daughters Sadie and Mamta visited Mrs.

L. B. Lari Mr. and Mrs. Pren Moore daughter, Mary of.

Boise, Idaho, visiting his mother Mrs. Einily Woo and her mother MrsJBennett. wboi seriously ill at her.hiome4vAl moot s' The Great Chalice of Antioch. declared by many authorities to be the cup used at the Last Supper, is tractlng throngs to A Century of Progress the Worlds Fair. It la one of many free" exhibits.

etch Repairing-Main Springs aning 90c, Jewels or Ifair 75c. Balance Staff $123-arantecd 1 yr. MAX BRILL, One ot the ruinous Piccard twins will attempt a record flight Into the stratosphere at Century of Progress the Chicago Worlds Fair. Here It Twln inspecting the gondola In which the flight will be made. In the presence of thousands assembled In Mfoldfer Field.

College athletes are the niotlve.ow-er of the picturesque jinrickshas a. A Century of Progress, the Chicago World's Fair. vou-send Why didnt rit of rewsT Peoria, Hi. more near Taylorville last Monday. Read the adds).

The Beecher City Journal from Beecher City, Illinois (2024)
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Author: Reed Wilderman

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Name: Reed Wilderman

Birthday: 1992-06-14

Address: 998 Estell Village, Lake Oscarberg, SD 48713-6877

Phone: +21813267449721

Job: Technology Engineer

Hobby: Swimming, Do it yourself, Beekeeping, Lapidary, Cosplaying, Hiking, Graffiti

Introduction: My name is Reed Wilderman, I am a faithful, bright, lucky, adventurous, lively, rich, vast person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.