Welcome to the Avalon Lodge (2025)

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Welcome to the Avalon Lodge (1) Re: Welcome to the Avalon Lodge

Welcome to the Avalon Lodge (2)Beren Sun Jun 19, 2011 4:04 pm

RockyShorz wrote:wow Mudra it is gorgeous!!!

do you serve the Shirley Temple Guinness for Chris and Beren?

so many tales to share, and it all started from a friend running into the missing children forum I was in yelling the Sky was falling...

Kid's had stopped disappearing so I swung my attention across to a strange place called Project Camelot and read about the underground bunkers being built.

my hair was standing straight up from excitement, the more I read the more captivated I became from everything coming down on us at once, I was ready to scream with no one to talk to...

then suddenly Avalon appeared, and we rushed in full of excitement a gathering of people who could talk about any subject...

We were home, and we have grown in numbers since the beginning, now spread across 4 forums of wonderful people all gathered for a special purpose.

seeking truth...

amazing how many conspiracies aren't... Welcome to the Avalon Lodge (3)

Listen , I can take any Guinness Welcome to the Avalon Lodge (4)

But for the sake of Chris , I will go with the nonalcoholic one...
Welcome to the Avalon Lodge (5)

It`s true . No matter how some want to divide us, we are growing in all beauty of diversity.

For whole my life I felt in me a desire , burning theme of spirit to aid other souls and help them in returning back to Creator.
I`ve been through religious dramas ,parted with it knowing that I will always be with Father rather than with a group of frightened people.

Call of spirit was and is always strong within me. I felt that connection early on in this life,when I had just seen few summers...

And one of the most divinely experiences was when I was present at one religious meeting in a huge hall. While everybody was singing ,I tried to but I couldn`t , I don`t know what everybody else was feeling but I felt like I `m among heavenly choir . I literary couldn`t talk for two hours for I felt spirit down pouring upon me.
And no ,I wasn`t at a gospel Church.

I knew Father called me there to aid people. That was a lot of years ago.

Fairly quickly I felt the call of spirit and stood against religious dogma. So I left and followed wherever spirit led me.

In the meantime I found Avalon few years ago and after a year of exploring and reading I decided to step in.

Meanwhile spirit led me further and I remembered some things from time immemorial ,from forgotten world where I did my part .
Since all is connected to this time now I returned back to aid again.

So here I am. In this cabin among friends from eternity. Yet we have to recall our things and thoughts but we`re coming towards it.

One thing is sure , upon the first big battle of spirits upon the Thuban thing on old AV, I didn`t firstly read that thing at all but then one day I was just simply drawn towards it only to find Lionhawk standing his ground.

Don`t know why but there it was! That urge that my time has come to step in and back this guy.
It turned out that Lionhawk and me are friends from long ago and dimensions untold today.

We were attacked soon after aswell as many and there another one came , Rocky Shorz.

Out of the blue came Rocky to back me up just like I did to Lionhawk.
And few months later I had this spontaneous revelation like WHOA! You are Turin!

That`s what I told Rocky ... ( he can confirm...
Welcome to the Avalon Lodge (6) )

And he was the only one whom I met personally while in SD recently.
What a good meeting of old friends!

Once I`ll explain what I meant by that Turin name but anyways, there was him and soon there was few others like Chris AKA Greybeard, RedeZra and this guy 14 Chakras who soon vanished.

truthseekerdan, Malletzky ( Malecki bre! Welcome to the Avalon Lodge (7) ) Oliver (sto saka Skopsko...)
Welcome to the Avalon Lodge (8)

And some dear ladies like Carmen, Carol, Mudra, Brook,LindaBaker,Karen and lot of others (sorry if I miss somebody- you`re all in my heart dear souls)

Welcome to the Avalon Lodge (9)

Point is that none of these things came as an accident.

We were all led here to meet and join our energy to aid mankind and this planet.

I bless you all dear friends from forgotten world.
I bless you all in this new creation!

Welcome to the Avalon Lodge (10)


Lord Trancoso and first lieutenant Floyd are welcome by the fire...just take your shoes off will ya...

Welcome to the Avalon Lodge (11) Welcome to the Avalon Lodge (12)


Mercuriel , you are invited too! I don`t wanna miss the Welcome to the Avalon Lodge (13)
and the Welcome to the Avalon Lodge (14) who plays it...

Welcome to the Avalon Lodge (15) Welcome to the Avalon Lodge (16) Welcome to the Avalon Lodge (17)

Welcome to the Avalon Lodge (2025)
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Name: Clemencia Bogisich Ret

Birthday: 2001-07-17

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Introduction: My name is Clemencia Bogisich Ret, I am a super, outstanding, graceful, friendly, vast, comfortable, agreeable person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.